Men’s vs. Women’s Reaction To Bro Retreats

Men’s vs. Women’s Reaction To Bro Retreats

To all you women: You have shown, over and over, that you are my biggest cheerleaders, my biggest supporters in this project. You have become my ambassadors, which I’m immensely grateful for. 🙏🏽♥️

You have strengthened and solidified my beliefs even more on how necessary doing what I do is.

I did not expect that since the service I’m offering caters to men. Whenever I mention what I’m doing, you light up like fire! 🔥 You immediately say that these retreats are something your husband, boyfriend, or male friend needs to attend.

To all you men: I’m not criticizing you. I’m just stating the facts here. I used to be like Homer myself, backing into the bush.

From the beginning, I knew this project would be my steepest uphill. But I also believe that with time, this will change. As Sylvester Stallone says in Rocky 4: “If I can change and you can change, everybody can change.”

In the end, it’s all about breaking down barriers and misconceptions. I intend to bridge that gap and make these retreats a place where every man can benefit and grow. Thank you for being a part of this evolving experience. 💫

Ready to step out of the bush? 👀

#broretreats #mensretreat #mensretreats #vulnerability #gratitude